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Website - Online Presence - New Normal

Afterwards - Your Website - Online Presence, will have a New Normal
March 26, 2020
David Schlatter

With the limited shut down of brick and mortar real estate offices as well, all other business types across the state of Arizona due to the Coronavirus. The pro-active work of our healthcare professionals and government to control and eradicate the virus is coming. And our prayers, are for all people and businesses affected.

At david media solutions we are encouraging clients and potential clients to take this time to be forward thinking. Use your website for what is it’s designed to be. Your least expensive, yet most important marketing, sales and communication tool, you have in the 21st century. Revamp your website and the tools it uses to continue reaching out to clients and potential clients. Your Actions Now regarding your Website and Online Presence will reap major rewards in the immediate and distant future.

Whether you’re a Real Estate Broker, Realtor or Business Owner of Retail, Services and Manufacturing businesses in the state of Arizona, the way you have done business prior to the current statewide ordered limitations regarding day to day business has changed forever. Your Internet Presence and Online Web-Presence, via your Website and Social Media, if not before, has now signaled the extreme importance of your Website and its online Image/Brand, User Friendliness and Marketing.

When all said and done, will you and or your business be ready when Arizona resumes business as normal? But normal, will be a NEW NORMAL. Will you be ready?

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